The spirituality that we promote as Missionaries of Our Mother of the Eucharist ushers in "New Springtime" graces, and thus is very refreshing and life-giving as well as deeply rooted. There is great confusion within our Church in these times; great disunity, apostasy, lack of obedience and the like.
We seek to live the 3rd degree of Consecration to Jesus through Mary, as encouraged by St. Louis Marie de Monfort; which fosters a deep union with Our Eucharistic Bridegroom ; and a full living of our Baptismal Vows, of intimate union with our Triune God.
With Mary, Mother of the Church, we have a strong adherence to the Magisterial teachings of Holy Mother Church, and are obedient to the Holy Father and Bishops and priests in union with him; as they promote and protect the deposit of faith handed down to us from Christ and His first Apostles.
We seek to be open to the many ways God is renewing His Church in our times, while holding strong to the rich tradition.
-The Sacraments are central for us in encountering Christ and surrendering our lives to Him.
-We relish in the great beauty and sacredness of Gregorian chant, and high Masses, along with the great treasures of sacramentals and various devotions.
- Also we recognize how God is leading the Church in our times to “open up the windows and let in the Holy Spirit,” as was proposed in Vatican II.
- We are very aware of how clearly God is sending our Heavenly Mother to us in authentic apparitions, to teach us to "pray with the Heart", turn our lives back to God and dispose ourselves to her Spouse, the Holy Spirit. Again and again she tells us, "pray the Rosary!"
-We are aware of the significance of St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, to help foster renewal in the Church and usher in the “New Springtime”.
-We are also actively praying for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon ourselves and the whole Church in these times of the “second Pentecost;" especially as we remain in the "Cenacle" of our times, Mary's Immaculate Heart, the "Ark" of the New Covenant.
-We seek to foster an integrated spirituality which allows us to be deeply in touch with our humanity in order to be ever-more fully open to the healing, redeeming graces of our Divine Savior, and thus enter into ever-deeper communion with Him.
Our unique charisms are: Eucharistic, Marian, Contemplative and Receptive.
Our spirituality is very simple in one sense. The ultimate goal is to draw us to live our Baptismal vows of intimate union with our Triune God in the fullest possible way. The means by which we seek to do it is by anchoring on and clinging tightly to our Divine Eucharistic Bridegroom and our Holy Mother, which is encouraged by the Church as the quickest and surest way to draw us into union with God.
To cling most tightly and come to know most deeply our Eucharistic Lord, we must go through the heart of our Mother. There are various degrees of devotion to Mary. At the heart of our spirituality is to strive to live the "3rd degree" spoken of by St. Louis de Montfort. And a great aid in helping us do this is through our Mother's words through Fr. Stephano Gobbi in the Marian Movement of Priests (which has 22 imprimaturs). In these messages Mary forms us to really know and understand what it means to live this 3rd degree of consecration to her.
The heart of our formation as Missionaries of OME is to come to know Mary in a deeply personal way and let her form us each as she sees fit. We are all different, and so will be formed uniquely within the more general formation of becoming docile in her hands.
Whenever we are drawn to deep intimacy with our Mother, we begin to experience her heart and the love and longings within her. Thus, the primary place she leads us is always to her Son's presence here on earth. We cannot help but be drawn to the Eucharist, to receiving Him more often and spending time with Him. Through her heart we begin to understand more clearly the Churches teaching that the Eucharist is the "Source and Summit of the whole christian life."
Mary draws us to Jesus, and together they draw us to live wholeheartedly the Trinitarian Life of intimate union with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who dwell within us through Baptism.
As the Hearts of Jesus and Mary are exposed to us, so we seek to expose our hearts to them. In this we seek a human/spiritual integration in our faith life.
For more info on Fr. Stephano Gobbi and the MMP, or to order a book, go to: