A most blessed and grace-filled Christmas Season and New Year to you and your family. MAY YOU BE DRAWN DEEPLY INTO THE LIFE AND EMBRACE OF THE HOLY FAMILY, JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH, throughout this Season and beyond. We encourage you to consecrate your families and households to Jesus, Mary and Joseph, seeking Their guidance and protection, especially in these treacherous times as we prepare to enter the “New Springtime” of grace spoken of by St. Pope John Paul II. The dark is getting darker for a time, but, the light is getting brighter as Many graces are being poured out. Are we disposed to receive them? May we not be distracted and drawn into the current of the world, the flesh and the devil.
BRIEF HERMIT LIFE UPDATE A brief update on our hermit life here at MOME Hermitage: As you may know, our MOME Mission is that of prayer, and drawing others to delve deeply into the "gold mine" of riches available to us as Catholics: through our retreats for priests and religious, weekly cenacles, blogs and vlogs, and other social media outreaches, etc. This past year has been one filled with many graces and experiences of God at work in a mighty way in our world.
As we strive daily to prioritize our life of prayer and sacrifice for the Greater Glory of God and the Salvation of souls, our primary intention is that Jesus in the Eucharist will be "lifted up", known and loved ever-more fully, in and through the Heart of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.
ONLY THIS WILL BRING FULL RENEWAL Our Holy Mother reportedly tells us through the Servant of God Fr. Stephano Gobbi (whose cause for Canonization was opened this year, '24): "Oh Church, pilgrim and suffering, of which I am the Mother, you must understand that the center of your life, the fount of your grace, the source of your light, the beginning of your apostolic action is found only here in the Tabernacle where Jesus is truly kept (MMP 360 c)... "It is not your pastoral plans and your discussions, it is not the human means in which you put reliance and so much assurance, but it is only Jesus in the Eucharist which will give to the whole Church the strength of a complete renewal (MMP 330 C)."
REVERENCE FOR THE "LIVING BREAD" We pray that the Church's recent three years of Eucharistic Revival have been the "crack-in-the-door" to usher in a full-on Eucharistic Revival throughout the whole world.
Jesus, the Divine Christ Child, was born in a poor and humble stable in Bethlehem - a place that means "House of Bread". May this be a prefiguring of a key aspect of our Lord's coming to live among us - that of establishing His Glorious Eucharistic Reign throughout the whole world; that the whole world may one day be a "house" to hold, reverence and cherish the "Living Bread come down from Heaven " (Jn. 6).
NEVER-FAIL REMEDY FOR ALL PROBLEMS BIG AND SMALL There is so much chaos, suffering, disunity and misunderstanding sown by demons in this time of great battle, and propagated by us when we act out of our human will apart from God's Divine Will.
We share with you our never-fail-remedy whenever we have difficulties, struggles and temptations of any kind: that of turning to Jesus, present among us in the Holy Eucharist; and turning to Mary, as our personal Mother, who aids us in surrendering and disposing ourselves to the abundant graces available through living the rich Sacramental life of the Church.
FOSTER INTENSE LOVE Pope St. John Paul II said this new millennium (2000+) would be "intensely Eucharistic". Please join with us as we move forward in this new liturgical year, striving to foster such intensity of love for our Eucharistic Lord; in and through the Heart of Mary, who knows and loves Him best!
HOW TO AVAIL OURSELVES TO THE HIDDEN, DIVINE POWER We leave you with one final very lofty but powerful quote from our Holy Mother Mary to Venerable Mary of Agreda. To read it prayerfully and spend time meditating on it can be life-changing:
"Would that believers in the holy Catholic faith opened their hardened and stony hearts in order to attain to a true understanding of the sacred and mysterious blessing of the holy Eucharist! If they would only detach themselves, root out and reject their earthly inclinations, and, restraining their passions, apply themselves with living faith to study by the divine light their great happiness in thus possessing their eternal God in the holy Sacrament; and in being able, by its reception and constant intercourse, to participate in the full effects of this heavenly Manna! If they would only worthily esteem this precious gift, begin to taste its sweetness, and share in the hidden power of their omnipotent God! Then nothing would ever be wanting to them in their exile. In this, the happy age of the law of grace, mortals have no reason to complain of their weakness and their passions; since in this bread of heaven they have at hand strength and health. It matters not that they are tempted and persecuted by the demon; for by receiving this Sacrament frequently they are enabled to overcome him gloriously. The faithful are themselves to blame for all their poverty and labors, since they pay no attention to this divine mystery, nor avail themselves of the divine powers, thus placed at their disposal by my most holy Son" (City of God, Vol. 3, #489).
Thank you for Your Prayes and Support of MOME Mission. Please know of our love, and our continual prayers for you, A Holy and Blessed Advent/Christmas Season and New Year, In the Divine Hearts of Jesus and Mary, MOME Hermits :)
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Missionaries of OUR MOTHER OF THE EUCHARIST is a non-profit religious organization with an emphasis on prayer, evangelization and spiritual works of mercy.
"To Our Divine Eucharistic Bridegroom, through Our Immaculate Mother!"