Below are some examples to help discern if we are traveling that worldly current. If we say, “that’s me,” for any of them, we probably are, at least to some degree:
We get frustrated if the Priest goes too long with his homily or Mass, causing us to miss the beginning of a football game or the like.
We see the weekend as set apart for sports, entertainment and work, rather than prioritizing Sunday as “the Lord’s Day” to be refreshed and re-created in our relationship with God and our loved ones.
The person(s) we most look up to is an actor, actress, singer, business mogul, or the like, rather than someone who is saintly and virtuous and draws us more deeply toward God.
We idolize another person on earth.
It doesn’t phase us when others use God’s name in vain (which is in the majority of movies and entertainment today).
Sexual relations outside of the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony is no big deal.
We believe the killing of babies in the womb should be a woman’s choice.
Euthanasia is an act of compassion and mercy.
We participate in gossip, talk negatively about and judge others, or remain in the presence of others who do so, without seeing that it’s wrong.
We have LGBTQ oriented friends or family members and we compromise who we are to make them feel loved and accepted (false compassion); possibly even putting out a box of kitty litter if they say they are a cat. (All of which is enabling a disorder and not true love.)
We are using any type of artificial birth control, or encourage others to.
We see nothing wrong with freezing embryos (IVF), and don’t realize how detrimental it is to each embryo (those actually used to come to full term, and those left frozen in time or killed).
Our culture today has moved so far away from living the 10 Commandments and the Beatitudes. Vice has become the norm, while virtue is not fostered, and is often looked down upon.
As we learn more about the lives of Jesus and Mary in Holy Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and writings of saintly mystics, and get to know them personally and intimately through prayer, we are infused with truth and wisdom, and can discern what is of the Spirit of God vs the spirit of the world, the flesh and the devil (which draws us away from our true purpose).
What is our “blue print”, our Rule for living this life on earth? What does it mean to be truly human in the fullness of who we were created to be? What will most satisfy and fulfill us in this life? What will make us ultimately the happiest?
The New Adam and New Eve show us the way. The first Adam and Eve, our first grandparents, failed the test of leading the rest of us. It is said they deeply repented and repaired for their disobedience, to the degree that they were able; but in order for them and all of humanity to be saved, a New Adam, and New Eve came to earth to live among us. And, they carried out the Father’s Divine Will and Plan to perfection. They, Jesus and Mary, became our models for life; Jesus being God Himself, the second person of the Holy Trinity, and Mary being the one creature immaculately conceived without the stain of original sin - to represent our ultimate calling as well should we choose to follow them.
Jesus tells us, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (Jn 14:6). Mary is the perfect follower and disciple of Jesus. This is why Jesus responded about his Mother in Matthew 12:49-50, “Behold: My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother, and sister, and mother.” Mary did the Will of the Father perfectly. This is why she was chosen to be the Mother of God.
And, the road that Jesus and Mary had to travel in this life was not easy. It was far from a prosperity gospel. Jesus’ conception in Mary’s womb was met with initial lack of acceptance and disbelief by Joseph; and much more by others. Jesus was born in a poor, bare stable in the winter because no Innkeeper would accept them. And, this is Almighty God in the womb of a Virgin who is being rejected by society; by those He came to save.
The Holy Family had to flee to Egypt to avoid King Herod’s wrath of trying to kill the Divine Christ Child. Could not God have snapped His finger and done away with Herod and the like, to make His plan of salvation run more smoothly? This is certainly what the Zealots thought. And it is natural for us to question this; but if we do, we are missing the “boat” of the full message and meaning of our redemption. This is why many protestants, and even Catholics (when lacking knowledge of the faith), preach a “prosperity gospel”.
It is important for us to ponder deeply in our hearts Jesus’ words: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Mt.16:24). If we don’t, we miss out on our whole purpose of this life, which is to choose, and prepare, to live with God in Heaven for all eternity. This life is meant to be our purgatory here on earth; our antichamber for getting ready to enter our Heavenly Homeland; hence, the importance of right discernment in everything we do in this life. “Will this action aid me in moving forward in a life of virtue and selfless surrender to God and His Divine Will?” or “Is it fostering the spirit of the world and my fleshly desires?”
Union with Jesus and Mary allows us to develop a personal “rule of life” to guide us on this earthly journey toward our Heavenly Homeland.
Jesus, the New Adam, and Mary, the New Eve, are our models for seeking to do God’s Divine and Holy Will each day in our own lives. They help us to stay on the straight and narrow; and to not miss out on our purpose in life. They call us forth in the fullness of who we were created to be. And, in this alone can our true joy, fulfillment and happiness in life be found.
May we all have the grace to have Jesus as the reason for every season, in and through the Heart of Mary.